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Results for "keyword: "self-growth""
A Renaissance of Rituals An array of rituals that ground our yearnings and our devotion in concrete activities.
Practicing Spirituality with Parker J. Palmer A multidisciplinary approach to change and transformation as an essential part of the human adventure.
Practicing Spirituality with Anthony de Mello A 40-day exploration of the wisdom stories and spiritual practices of the renowned Indian spiritual director.
Benedictine Spirituality Using the Rule of Benedict as a guide to a more purposeful way of being in our time of global transformation.
Navigating Life's Transitions Understandings, practices, and rituals to support you through life changes.
Becoming Truly Human: Gurdjieff's Obligolnian Strivings A Lenten study of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff's Five Strivings.
Spiritual Practices from the Gurdjieff Work A practical exploration of the enigmatic teacher's transformative practices for attention and self-remembering.
ReStorying Your Life Guidance through "life review" of your history, grief and gratitude, present path, and legacy.
Practicing Spirituality with Sufis An awesome compendium of wisdom, both practical and profound, from the mystical expression of Islam.
Poetry to Transform Your Life A month's worth of poems to transport you into a world full of awe, wonder, marvel, deep sorrow, or joy.